W A R N I N G grab a Kleenex!
Anna and Jesse sure know how to bring on the water works and I’m not exaggerating (this time).
A little back story before we get started…
Anna was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis and Type One Diabetes Mellitus in adolescence. For those of you how are not medical or are looking at the screen confused, let me explain the two (very briefly).
Cystic Fibrosis is a progressive lung disease, causing persistent lung infections and ultimately decreases the ability to breathe. For people with CF, limiting exposure to germs is vital because mucus in the lungs causes clogs, which cause germs & bacteria to become hostage. This situation leads to infections, inflammation, breathing difficulties, respiratory failure and some other complications.
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus is a disease of the pancreas. The pancreas is an organ who’s main duty is to produce insulin, something that people with Type 1 DM parents able to do (or maybe they just can’t produce enough insulin). Type 1 DM is an autoimmune disease which means it starts with the body’s immune system attacking itself. In Type 1 DM, the immune system destroys beta cells (the cells responsible for producing insulin).
Anna and Jesse met in 2016 when Anna was competing in the miss shorter pageant and it was love at first sight. Fast forward to the year 2020… I know what you’re all thinking, 2020 has been quite a doozy! For a second I want you to imagine being Anna and Jesse. Because of Anna’s underlying medical conditions, her quarantine requirements (thanks a lot COVID 19) were extensive (to protect herself from terrible and/or life threatening complications). Anna spent countless days, weeks and even months in quarantine. During this time her and Jesse were not able to visit and when they finally could, they weren’t able to kiss because of the risk associated with Anna possibly catching COVID. I just want to emphasize how heart breaking that is for a young and enthusiastic couple. I have to brag on Jesse and Anna, where as most couples would have fallen apart or been overwhelmed by the circumstances, these two did not. They never once lost site of their joy, love or faith to each other and this right here is a true testimony of love.
Jesse contacted me through family to book a photo session in early September. This photo session was going to be the first time Anna had been out of quarantine with her immediate family. You’ve probably already guessed it by now (or you’ve seen my instagram) but Jesse had plans to propose to Anna during the “family photo session.”
Oh but wait… it gets BETTER…
Not only did Jesse steal the session by dropping down to his knee during the photo session but he and Anna kissed for the first time in SEVEN months!!
I cried, they cried, their family cried. After all of the time that had passed, Jesse continued to hold on tight to the joy of what was coming. The pandemic has stolen so much joy from so many people of different ages and circumstances, but I can truly say these two embraced it with true elegance.
I hope you enjoyed this little love story. Here are a few of my favorite photos from their session!