David & Ashley's Maternity

From the moment David and Ashley arrived to their photo session, I could feel that they were going to be such a lovely couple to photograph. From their warm smiles, laughter and genuine touches, they brought so much realness to their photo session. The sunset lighting was perfectly matched by the gulf water colors and the blue palette for their wardrobe was a perfect touch. When I tell you it was hard to narrow down this 200+ photo gallery to just a few favorites, trust me, it was SO hard! In just a few short months, this sweet couple will be welcoming their first baby and I can’t wait to share with you just how adorable their family will be…. stay tuned!

Welcome Baby Nolan

Nestled amongst Panama City’s beautiful bay, this sweet family is cozied up in their beautiful home with their first baby, Nolan. It was every bit of a photographers dream being in their home and documenting the beauty of first time parents. I am elated to watch the Hardee family grow and continue documenting one of their greatest joys.

30A Family Session

Big families are totally my thing; since I was a young woman, Ive longed to be apart of large family and hope to continue growing my own! I love when families get together and want to get grandma and grandpa in on photos. Lacy and her husband are two of my previous clients and I am so flattered they continue to book with us. Here’s to a future of more babies and an even larger family to photograph!

Karpuk Family Vacation Alys Beach

I really have met some of the most enjoyable families this summer. If you know me, you know I’m an extrovert at heart and have never met a stranger. It didn’t take long before these little ones were laughing through Alys beach and willingly letting me photograph them. I can’t wait to see these families grow!